Sunday 20 March 2011

De-constructing a NSPCC leaflet

What NSPCC do:
- Help children who have been physically or mentally abused.
- Help children have a happier life.
- Send out professional people to keep children safe.

Good points of the leaflet:
- It is extremely informative.
- Tells us about what our money can do for the children.
- Contains real life stories to help us understand the situation.
- Good use of emotive language.
- Sometimes involves the reader.

Bad Points:
- It is extremely long so people couldn't just read it quickly, therefore less people will be bothered to read.
- There is a lack of pictures.


H.O'Shea said...

fabulous blog, boys!
Good research and links. Make sure that everyone has a chance to post in future tasks.

Do check the pictures; I don't know whether it's my computer but they are not showing.

I am linking your group blog to the main one now.